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A member registered Mar 10, 2022

Recent community posts

I'm so excited about this, I'll definitely be checking back consistently for mac ports!

Same thing happening to me right now 😭 I just want to know if I got it right... guess next run I'll avoid the notebook to confirm

Great game! I noticed a glitch: if you walk backwards after a checkpoint (specifically the second one on the first level, but this might apply to others too) an invisible wall will keep you from going forwards again

I'm getting an error message when I try to open it on my mac. it says "The application “BadFaithGame-v.4MAC” can’t be opened." (sorry for the random bolding, for some reason won't let me turn it off)

Tip for anyone in my position! This probably won't be doable in the full game, but for the demo you can deal with a trackpad by getting the password and going to the toilet on different runs. If you have a normal gaming mouse you might as well do the clock fight and get the full experience, though.

I love this but please give the option to rebind controls in the completed game. I am using a trackpad and being driven to insanity (in a way not intended by the game design)

Hi! I love stimuwrite but wanted to let you know I may have noticed a minor bug. When I put a closed quotation mark after a period, the quotation mark counts as its own word in the word count. This makes it difficult to track my word count in scenes with a lot of dialogue, and to keep consistent track of my progress in a larger project.

lol that's what I'm doing too!!'s pretty normal for horror to be based off of kids media. the page is clear about the genre, so there's no confusion about the target audience. are you just bored and trolling?

Can bundled items please have the same sorting feature after purchasing as they do beforehand? I own a mac computer and bought a bundle with over 900 items, but only around 200-300 are compatible for my computer. Manually going through each page of results is so exhausting the bundle is almost unusable. Won't be buying bundles again unless this changes.